We Still Need To Demystify Blockchain

sri misra
5 min readMar 16, 2024

Blockchain Tech & Its Applications

TLDR; Bitcoin has hit an all time high of $72k, the tokenized economy, represented by total crypto + DeFi market cap is more than $2Tn now. Yet, most folks are still unclear about wtf crypto and blockchain is. So, this short piece explores exactly that — wtf is blockchain and what are its use cases! We touch upon how blockchians work, then deal with some of the terminologies that make this space daunting, and finally look at real uses cases of this foundational technology.

WTF is blockchain?

Blockchain technology is like a digital ledger. It records transactions across a network of computers in a way that is secure, transparent, and resistant to tampering. Each block in the blockchain contains several transactions, and every time a new transaction occurs, it is added to the end of the chain — thus becoming a distributed ledger.

> One of the key features of blockchain technology is decentralization. Unlike traditional databases, which are typically stored on a central server controlled by a single entity, blockchain databases are distributed across a network of computers, known as nodes.

This means that no single entity has control over the entire blockchain. And this is what makes it resistant to censorship and tampering.

> Another important feature of blockchain technology is transparency. Because every transaction is recorded on the blockchain and visible to anyone with access to the network, blockchain databases are highly transparent. It’s easy to verify the integrity of transactions and ensure that the information stored on the blockchain is accurate and reliable.

> Security is also a key feature of blockchain technology. Each block in the blockchain contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, making it virtually impossible to alter the data stored on the blockchain without detection.

Its decentralized and transparent nature makes it ideal for any application where trust and security are paramount. That’s every vital business, finance, governance process — so think about why crypto is foundational.

Let’s deal with Terminology

Dive into the core of blockchain technology with these eight pivotal terms. Understanding them is crucial for grasping the foundations upon which cryptocurrency and DeFi (Decentralized Finance) are built.

  1. Blockchain: Imagine a digital ledger that is virtually tamper-proof. This is a sequence of blocks, with each block detailing a list of transactions. Its hallmark features are security, transparency, and the elimination of central authority dependency.
  2. Decentralization: Unlike traditional systems where a single entity holds control, blockchain disperses data across a network of computers. This distribution fosters trust and transparency while minimizing fraud risks.
  3. Consensus Mechanisms: Envision a democratic system where participants collectively validate transactions. Methods such as Proof-of-Work (used by Bitcoin) and Proof-of-Stake are key to achieving a secure, unified agreement on transaction records.
  4. Immutability: After adding data to a blockchain, altering it becomes nearly impossible. This permanence guarantees data integrity, offering a dependable and unalterable historical record.
  5. Smart Contracts: These are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. Powered by blockchain, smart contracts streamline operations, cut out intermediaries, and boost efficiency.
  6. Permissionless: This attribute refers to the ability for anyone to join and participate in the network without requiring authorization from a governing body, fostering an inclusive and open environment.
  7. Non-custodial: This term signifies systems where individuals maintain control over their cryptocurrency or data, rather than relying on third parties for security, enhancing privacy and autonomy.
  8. Composability: Think of it as the “lego” feature of DeFi, where different elements or services can be easily combined and recombined. This characteristic enables endless innovation and flexibility within the ecosystem.

Reflect on the deep implications these concepts have when they converge. Together, they not only pave the way for a new financial system, but also underpin the advent of a new era of the internet — web3.

Alright, so it’s all not just a casino?

No. Casino like behaviour is not exactly a great torch bearer for this foundational technology, and in many ways detracts from its deep applications.

💷 Finance: Blockchain is redefining finance via DeFi by enabling secure, transparent DeFi services, making financial transactions faster, more affordable, and accessible to all, challenging traditional banking systems. Also, Bitcoin has clearly emerged as a store of value and this has deep implication for economies and monetary policy.

🚢 Supply Chain Management: It offers an unprecedented level of transparency and efficiency, ensuring product authenticity and reducing counterfeits, by providing a tamper-proof, end-to-end tracking system.

🩻 Healthcare: By securely managing patient records on the blockchain, it enhances privacy, enables seamless sharing of medical data, and reduces the chances of data breaches.

🌇 Real Estate: Blockchain simplifies property transactions, making them more transparent and efficient, and reducing fraud, thus transforming property sales, leasing, and management.

🕹️Gaming: Blockchain introduces a new paradigm for asset ownership, interoperability, and monetization in gaming. It enables true ownership of in-game assets, represented as non-fungible tokens (NFTs). This not only enhances the gaming experience but also opens up new economic opportunities within virtual worlds.

👯‍♀️ Social Media: In social media, blockchain enables content monetization, user privacy, and control over data. By creating decentralized platforms, users can own their content and personal data, directly monetize their interactions, and experience a new level of transparency and trust, free from the constraints of centralized control.

> And as AI grows wider into all aspects of work & life, AI and crypto intersect on multiple dimensions like data authenticity & computational power:

🤖 Data Authentication and Incentivization for Training AI Models: Blockchain enables secure and verifiable data sharing, crucial for training AI models. It also facilitates the creation of marketplaces for trading AI models, where contributions can be fairly incentivized and authenticated, ensuring creators are rewarded for their innovations.

💽 Decentralizing Computation: The decentralization of computation, especially using GPUs, allows for distributed problem-solving. This not only democratizes access to computational resources but also significantly enhances processing capabilities for complex tasks, from scientific research to AI development.

>> Shaping a New Digital Era

As web3 matures, its secure, transparent, and decentralized framework is setting the stage for a more efficient, trustworthy digital age. Its applications in financial markets, data authentication, decentralized computation, and storage are just the beginning of a broader technological advancement — leading to a fast growing tokenized economy.



sri misra

founder aarnâ.AI | building the new Web3 asset management stack to decentralize alpha | fellow Aspen Institute & Yale